Pit Area: There
will be a solo pit section and a team
section. All pit areas within your designated section (solo or team)
will be
first come, first served starting at noon
on race day, Saturday June, 13th. The course will run
adjacent to
the pits
and the solo pit section will be closest to the course.
Each solo
racer should take no more than 12’X12’ for their
pit area. There is plenty of new space for teams to be able to pit out
of their vehicles, including trailers and motorhomes. Your team may
position pop up tents, tables, etc in your pit area, but
we are not responible for the security of that property.
Procedure: Each racer
starting the first lap of
the race must log in at the timing tent between 7:15pm-7:45pm,
immediately after the pre-race brief. Racers will receive their wrist
band at this time. We will use a Le
style start, where all lap 1
racers will run approximately
400 yards to their bikes before getting on their bikes.
Transition Procedure:
After completing each
lap, the finishing racer must go directly to the appropriate numbered
table and
hand over wrist strap to the log-in volunteer. The log-in
will manually record the time, and then hand the on-deck racer
the wrist strap. The on-deck racer will now be active and may begin
lap. To speed the transition, the on-deck racer can approach
log-in volunteer when his teammate enters the transition area. Times
the next
lap begin when the finishing racer hands over the strap. Wrist strap
transfer at your pit
RACERS must have their wrist
strap at all
times when racing. Loss of a wrist strap will result in a 5 minute team
(this means your team's night will end at 7:55am). Teams must also
purchase a new
wrist strap
for $5 before beginning their next lap. Penalties will stand even if
your team
finds your wrist strap at a later time.
of Standings/Results:
Standing/Results will
be posted between 10pm-11pm
and then updated as often as possible.
Area: At
all times, racers must dismount
and walk/run their bikes through the timing and transition
Only racers with numbers will be permitted in the transition
IPODS: The use of IPODs or
device that restricts
hearing is NOT permitted during any this race. This is for your own
safety and
for the safety of your fellow racers.
Riders must have a
primary light strong enough to show you the trail during
the night dark hours. Riders must also carry a secondary light such as
small flashlight, penlight or other lighting system. Please
sure you have enough lights to ride safety!
entering the course during dark hours must have their
light mounted and be able to demonstrate that they are properly
functioning. Riders must have their lights burning between 8:00PM and
5:30 AM. Riding with lights off between these times is
and will not be permitted. Any team found
riding with their lights off, will be disqualified. Riders may turn off
and remove their lights after 5:30 AM. These times
are subject to change depending on weather conditions. If changes are
needed, announcements will be made during the race.
Each racer is responsible for their lighting system and battery supply.
A generator powered charging station will be provided for all
riders as a courtesy by race sponsor NiteRider. All racers
should label their batteries and chargers with their
team name. GO-AR will not be responsible for lost or stolen
Age of Participants: Riders must be at least 14 on race
day. Any rider under 18 must have a waiver signed by
parent or guardian, and MUST have ADULT support in the pits.
Bikes: This
race is for Mountain
Bikes only! Racers with broken or disabled bikes may continue
the race, but please yield
to all riders if walking your bike. Racers may use
more than one
bike in this event and racers may receive help with mechanical
from any source in between laps (see ‘support on the
course’ rule).
ANSI, SNELL, CPSC or DOT certified bicycling
helmets must be worn and buckled at ALL times while on a
bike. Racers
caught riding a bike without a helmet will receive a team time
Numbers: Each
racer will receive bike number plate.
Race numbers
must be
unobstructed and
visible at all times while racing.
Captains: Team
captains will represent the team
in all official communication before, during, and after the
Pre-Race Meeting:
The team
captain must attend the pre-race
brief from 7pm-7:15pm
on race
day. We encourage all racers to attend this meeting.
on the Course:
Any registered racer may
supply support on the course to any other registered racer.
racers must access the course on foot or on bike only and they must
those areas following the course in the racing direction. No
shortcutting the
course and please yield to active racers. Supporting racers
may take
any gear or tools with them. Bikes may be switched
and Food: Water
and food may be supplied to
racers by anyone, anywhere on the course. Racers and support
crew should
stay clear of the course when accepting water and food.
Please respect the nearby neighborhoods by staying out of them during
this night event. Please respect
the trail system. DO NOT LITTER. Racers caught
littering by GO-AR staff
will receive a time
Stations: Because
this is a fairly short and compact course, there are no on-course aid
stations. There will be medical assistance available at race
Course Riders:
Only registered racers,
event staff, and permitted media may ride on the designated course
during the
event. Spectators may not ride on the course.
Though not
recommended (for obvious
safety reasons) racers may
draft any other registered
racers only. Drafting vehicles or non-registered riders is
not permitted.
of Way: Walking
racers should
use the least ridable
portion of the trail when being passed.
Riding racers ALWAYS have right of way over
racers walking, pushing, or carrying their bikes.
riders should call out when
overtaking another rider with things such as ‘passing on your
left’ or
‘passing on your right’. The passing
racer is responsible for passing
safely. When vying for position the leading racer does not
have to yield to the challenging racer. A racer may not,
interfere with the progress of the challenging
racer. Be nice out there!
MUST follow all course marking. Short
cutting the course is will result in immediate team
Alterations: We reserve
the right to alter the
course at any time before or during the event. For no reason shall a
or anyone other than race staff make changes to the course.
Abusive or
profane language toward other
racers, volunteers, or race officials will not be tolerated.
Unsportsmanlike conduct is grounds for penalties or team
disqualification and
will be dealt with on a case by case basis by the race
director. Please
exercise good sportsmanship, we are all here to have fun.
line: BE NICE!
Protests may
be submitted by the team
captain to the race director at any time during the event, or withing
15 minutes after the conclusion of the
event. Protests must be in writing and include any
information that will support the protest such as a description of the
incident, names and contact info of witnesses, etc. A $20 fee
shall be
submitted, in cash, with the protest. The race director will
and rule on the protest. The fee will be forfeited to GO-AR
if the protest
is denied or refunded if the protest is upheld. The decision
of the race
director is final.
Consecutive Laps:
A racer may
ride consecutive laps but
must stop at the correct table and log-in after each lap just as if
they were on a team.
Team Lap Requirements: All
riders on a team must have a lap count within 4 laps of the rider with
the highest lap count.
a Lap: Once
on the course, a racer must
complete his or her lap. However, the team has the option of
canceling a
racer’s lap and restarting the lap from the timing tent with
another racer from
that team. Teams should only choose to exercise this option
if the racer
currently on course in unable to finish their lap (such as an
Any team member can cancel a lap by notifying the timing tent and
signing that
they are canceling the lap. If a team cancels a
racer’s lap and is
restarting with a new racer, a wrist strap will be issued without
penalty and the
new racer inherits the log-in time of the canceling racer’s
lap. The wrist strap from the canceled lap racer must be
returned to the timing tent
before an official time is provided for that team. Once a cancellation
has been
made, it cannot be rescinded and the canceled lap does not count as a
Finish: Only laps
COMPLETED (this means logged-in) by
8am will be counted.
Severe Weather:
In the case of severe
weather or another
extenuating circumstance the prevents the ongoing scoring of the event
creates a racing environment that is deemed too dangerous for the
the race director may call the race as of a certain time. Final results
will be
calculated based on each team's placement at the call time as
determined by
that team's last completed lap. This rule is intended to be exercised
as a last
resort when no other means is available to continue scoring the event
or when
the potential for serious harm or loss of life become imminent.
Ghost Rider:
In the event that a racer stops to help a seriously injured racer which
requires EMS
response, ghost rider
procedures will be
implemented. The EMS
personnel will radio to the
timing tent the name and number of the assisting racer. Race
will then inform the team of the assisting racer to prepare for the
next rider
on their team. That rider will be allowed to start his/her
lap based on
the assisting racer’s ‘ghost rider’ lap
time which will be based on the fastest
of either the assisting racers average lap time or the team’s
average lap time,
whichever is faster.
The secret of a successful event is the
who give
their time
and energy in a variety of ways in to help support it. If you are
interested in helping out on or before race day, please contact Dave at
email: info(at)
Thank you!!!